====== Lands Commands ====== === General === * /lands - Open the menu. * /lands help [page] - Display command usages of Lands. === Claiming === * /lands claim - Claim chunks. * /lands claim auto - Claim chunks while walking. * /lands unclaim - Unclaim a chunk. * /lands unclaim auto - Unclaim chunks while walking. * /lands unclaimall - Unclaim all chunks for the land. === Land Management === * /lands create - Create a land. * /lands merge - Merge a land (parameter) into your other land. * /lands accept - Accept invites. * /lands delete - Delete your land. * /lands deny - Deny invite. === Chat and Communication === /lands chat [land] - Chat with land. === Economy === * /lands deposit [land] - Deposit money to land bank. * /lands withdraw [land] - Withdraw money from land bank. * /lands balance [land] - View land's balance. * /lands taxes - View upcoming tax payments. * /lands rent - Manage rentals. === Relations and Wars === * /lands relations - Manage relations. * /lands trust [area,*) - Trust a player. * /lands untrust [area,*) - Untrust player. * /wars declare - Declare war against a land or nation. * /wars deny - Deny mutual war declaration. === Nations === * /nations create - Create a nation. * /nations accept - Accept invite. * /nations delete - Delete nation. * /nations deny - Deny invite. * /nations leave - Leave nation. * /nations rename - Rename nation. * /nations menu - Open nation menu. * /nations setcapital - Set capital of nation. * /nations spawn - Teleport to nation spawn. * /nations trust - Add land. * /nations untrust - Remove land. * /nations relations - Manage relations. * /nations top - View top nations. === Wars === * /wars info - Info about current war. * /wars menu - Open menu for current war. * /wars spawn - Teleport to the enemies border. === Miscellaneous === * /lands selection - Select a region for actions like /lands claim. * /lands setrole - Set a role of a player. * /lands setspawn - Set spawn for land. * /lands spawn [land] - Teleport to land spawn. * /lands top - Show top ten lands. * /lands storage - Open the land item storage inventory. * /lands view - Visualise land borders. * /lands unstuck - Teleport to the nearest unclaimed chunk. * /lands wild [world] [player] - Teleport to a random location. * /lands confirmtp - Confirm unsafe destination. * /lands menu here - Open Lands GUI for the chunk you're standing in. == Nations Commands == === General === /nations - Open the menu. === Nation Management === * /nations create - Create a nation. * /nations delete - Delete nation. * /nations rename - Rename nation. === Nation Relations === * /nations trust - Add land. * /nations untrust - Remove land. * /nations relations - Manage relations. === Nation Management === * /nations menu - Open nation menu. * /nations setcapital - Set capital of nation. * /nations spawn - Teleport to nation spawn. === Top Nations === /nations top - View top nations. == Wars Commands == === General === /wars - Open the menu. === War Management === * /wars declare - Declare war against a land or nation. * /wars deny - Deny mutual war declaration. === War Information === * /wars info - Info about current war. * /wars menu - Open menu for current war. * /wars spawn - Teleport to the enemies border.