====== TrainCarts Commands ====== TrainCarts has several commands that help you control the behavior of the carts and trains. Below is a list of all available commands and their usage. ===== General Commands ===== * **/train help** - Shows help on the train commands * **/train destroy** - Destroys all trains and carts on the server * **/train list** - Lists all active trains on the server ===== Train Commands ===== * **/train destroy ** - Destroys the train with the specified name * **/train edit ** - Opens the editor to modify a train's properties * **/train setname ** - Renames a train * **/train teleport [world]** - Teleports the train to the specified coordinates ===== Cart Commands ===== * **/cart teleport [world]** - Teleports a single cart to the specified coordinates * **/cart property set ** - Sets a property on a specific cart ===== Ticket Commands ===== * **/ticket give ** - Gives a player a train ticket * **/ticket list** - Lists all available tickets ===== Route Commands ===== * **/route add ** - Adds a new route * **/route remove ** - Removes a route * **/route list** - Lists all available routes ===== Permissions ===== Each command has an associated permission. Refer to the main permissions page for detailed information on required permissions for each command.